Holter Monitor/Event Monitor/Tele-Monitor
The monitor is an EKG device that is worn either for 24 hours (holter monitor) or 30 days (event/tele monitor) and records your heart rhythm for any abnormalities. Abnormal heart rhythms may cause symptoms such as palpitations, “racing heart”, dizziness, lightheadness, chest pain or loss of consciousness (called syncope). Choice of monitor depends on the frequency and /or duration of your symptoms.
If you will be wearing the 30 day event or tele-monitor you will be given complete instructions by our staff nurse on how to use the device.
- Be sure to have your monitor with you at all times.
- Activate the monitor when you feel ANY symptoms, not just an irregular heartbeat.
- Be sure to keep an accurate diary. This will help your doctor make a diagnosis.
- Our office will be notified of any events that may occur while using the device. A final report will be sent to us for Dr. Kamme to review.
Pre instructions:
Wear loose-fitting clothes such as a shirt that buttons down in the front. This makes it easier for our staff nurse to place the electrode pads to your chest and attach the EKG wires. Male patients may require areas to be shaved to apply the electrode pads. You may wear it with a shoulder strap or belt. You will be given a diary to record any symptoms and events that may occur while wearing the monitor. Take a shower prior to your appointment.